Programming Environment for Data Science

What should we do when we realize some packages from Python or R could not be installed in our local machine?

Every time you start a new project or analyze a new dataset, you might come to a situation that you need to install a new package. However, sometimes installing a package could take you a full day (I believe every programmer has this kind of experience). To do data analysis with open source ecosystem, we rely on so many packages. If anything in this long chain of dependence goes wrong, we have to halt our project.

An unpleasant experience

Personally, I have to set up different kinds of programming environment for different projects. For example, you might need a programming environment with GPUs, you might need a programming environment that allows you to do data analysis with Python, R and Stata at the same time.

How could we make sure our operating system will not be messed up each time when we install and uninstall different softwares. For instance, my current project needs me to use Python and R together, and it annoyed me when I failed to install a package in R called devtools. It turned out three packages that devtools depends on could not be installed:

Warning messages:
1: In install.packages("devtools") :
  installation of package 'ragg' had non-zero exit status
2: In install.packages("devtools") :
  installation of package 'pkgdown' had non-zero exit status
3: In install.packages("devtools") :
  installation of package 'devtools' had non-zero exit status

I tried to fix this by google and still failed to install them after TWO hours. Then, I decided to use Docker. Docker takes away repetitive, mundane configuration tasks and is used throughout the development lifecycle for fast, easy and portable application development – desktop and cloud.

If you knew virtual envrionment in Python, then Docker is the tool for the operating system. With docker, you can have Linux image in your Windows or MacOS system. Every time you run an image, you are creating a container that could be:

The ideal environment

The idea working environment for data scientists should be of accessible, reusable, having no trouble of installing most of packages, and could be updated for new projects. To have this idea working environment, we could buy a laptop or server and install everything we need and do not install other softwares that are not needed for data analysis.

However, I do not have money for this. Even I had money to buy all those hardwares, it is time consuming to switch between them. Therefore, we need Docker.

Build a docker image

With Docker installed, we can create a Dockerfile to create an image. For instance, the following one is taken from Jupyter development team. I think knowing how to build a docker image is quite essential for being a data scientist or data engineer. We will walk through the following Dockerfile and explain what it does.

# This is just an example, do not run it! 
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.

################ Setup a base operating system ###########
# Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)
# choose ubuntu:22.04 as base operating system 


# add docker user information
# ARG - define arguments build-time variables. 
# you can set up user id otherwise everytime you run docker you will have
# different ids, such as root@71b22c5215f2; root@79a18ea42f06; 
LABEL maintainer="Jupyter Project <>"

# you will see this user when you run docker container 
ARG NB_USER="jovyan"
ARG NB_UID="1000"
ARG NB_GID="100"

# running shell 
# This setting prevents errors in a pipeline from being masked.
# image you apt-get install, but error was not returned 
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"]

# set up the user for Ubuntu
# meaning we will install all softwares in our Ubuntu image as root user 
USER root

# envrironment variable for installation 
# we do not need to interact during installing process such as answering [y/n]
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

################### Install Softwares in Ubutun #########################
# if you have ever used Ubuntun
RUN apt-get update --yes && \
    # - apt-get upgrade is run to patch known vulnerabilities in apt-get packages as
    #   the ubuntu base image is rebuilt too seldom sometimes (less than once a month)
    apt-get upgrade --yes && \
    apt-get install --yes --no-install-recommends \
    # - bzip2 is necessary to extract the micromamba executable.
    bzip2 \
    p7zip-full \
    ca-certificates \
    locales \
    sudo \
    # - tini is installed as a helpful container entrypoint that reaps zombie
    #   processes and such of the actual executable we want to start, see
    # for details.
    tini \
    wget && \
    apt-get clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
    echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" > /etc/locale.gen && \

# Configure environment
ENV CONDA_DIR=/opt/conda \
    SHELL=/bin/bash \
    NB_USER="${NB_USER}" \
    NB_UID=${NB_UID} \
    NB_GID=${NB_GID} \
    LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \
    LANG=en_US.UTF-8 \

# Copy a script that we will use to correct permissions after running certain commands
COPY fix-permissions /usr/local/bin/fix-permissions
RUN chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/fix-permissions

# Enable prompt color in the skeleton .bashrc before creating the default NB_USER
# hadolint ignore=SC2016
# .........
# .........
# more comannd

The original Dockerfile is very long, we will not discuss everything here. Once the operating system and dependencies become complex, we could reply on images built by others. Jupyter development team has built several images, such as datascience-notebook, tensorflow-notebook, and r-notebook. With those images, you can customize or build new images based on them.

Using datascience-notebook image

Since datascience-notebook image has been downloaded (pulled) 10M+, I will just use this image instead of building my own programming environment. When you are using this image, you have two ways to run it:

Before we run everything, make sure you pulled the image by running docker pull jupyter/datascience-notebook.

Using it without accessing local files (an isolated container)

You could skip this section as most users need to access the local files from their own computer (or whatever working station) and interact with the container. The following command will not allow you read a local file and analyze your data. You have to download everything within it after running the container (see you clone a git repository within it and work on it).

For the scenario one, we could run

# -it means iteractive with terminal
# --rm means removing container after exit
# set up the starting point
# default one is jupyter lab 
docker run -it --rm jupyter/datascience-notebook bash

Once you run it, you should get

Entered with args: bash
Executing the command: bash
(base) jovyan@72e83ed33c2f:~$ 

With the username ‘jovyang’ (username set in the Dockerfile) and id as 72e83ed33c2f and dollar sign $, now you are having a Ubuntu system with all essential packages installed.

As the following code shows, there are no extra files in our container.

(base) jovyan@72e83ed33c2f:~$ ls
(base) jovyan@72e83ed33c2f:~$ cd work
(base) jovyan@72e83ed33c2f:~/work$ ls
(base) jovyan@72e83ed33c2f:~/work$ 

Sometime you need to open multiple terminal windows, you can do this:

# the bash is option only for jupyter/datascience-notebook image
docker run -it --rm --name notebook2 jupyter/datascience-notebook bash
# list current containers 
docker ps
# to stop a contaier
docker stop <container-name>

It will show I have a container called notebook2 running and could be interacted. Then run the following command gives us another terminal:

docker exec -it notebook2 /bin/bash
(base) jovyan@20a1058c5415:~$ 
# turn it off

Notice the user ID is the same one as we are interacting with the same container.

If you want to run Jupyter Notebook within this container, we need to run the container with forwarding the tcp/ip port.

docker run \
        -it --rm \
        -p 9999:9999 \
        --name notebook2 \
        jupyter/datascience-notebook bash
Entered with args: bash
Executing the command: bash
(base) jovyan@3fe799dcc78f:~$ jupyter notebook --port 9999 

# you may run
jupyter notebook --ip --port 9999 --no-browser --allow-root

Using it with accessing files locally

Most time, we want to use this container as a computation station and save and access local files with no restriction. Then we need to run

# you can call whatever youu want --name <your name>
# -v meaning we now links current folder (${PWD}) with jovyan/work
docker run -it --rm --name notebook2 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work jupyter/datascience-notebook bash

Entered with args: bash
Executing the command: bash
(base) jovyan@2623ed260b84:~$ ls
(base) jovyan@2623ed260b84:~$ cd work
(base) jovyan@2623ed260b84:~/work$ ls
blogenv  Dockerfile  docs  LICENSE  notebooks
(base) jovyan@2623ed260b84:~/work$ 

You can see my local files are shown within the container. If you are using ssh or doing remote development with VS Code, you should link the port whenever you want to run jupyter notebook.

docker run \
        -it --rm \
        -p 7171:7171 \ 
        --name notebook2 \
        -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work \
        jupyter/datascience-notebook bash
Entered with args: bash
Executing the command: bash
(base) jovyan@3fe799dcc78f:~$ jupyter notebook --port 7171 --no-browser

Start the jupyter directly

Most of time, you just need to start the jupyter lab or notebook directly.

docker run \
	--rm -p 5657:5657 \
    -e JUPYTER_TOKEN=haha \
    -e JUPYTER_PORT=5657 \
    --name notebook2 \

The above command does not allow users to access the local files. Instead, we need to run:

docker run \
	--rm -p 5657:5657 \
    -e JUPYTER_TOKEN=haha \
    -e JUPYTER_PORT=5657 \
    --name notebook2 \
    -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work \

For more configurations, please read Jupyter Docker Stacks Documentation.

Using datascience-notebook image as a server

To automate what we did, we could use jupyter/datascience-notebook image as a server keep running and we could use it anytime and anywhere we want. With jupyter extension and Remote-SHH extension of VS Code, I managed to build a server:

# you can change the port, but make sure three ports are the same one
docker run -d \
    --rm -p 5657:5657 \
    -e JUPYTER_TOKEN=your_own_token \
    -e JUPYTER_PORT=5657 \
    --name notebook2 \
    -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work \

We now run our docker in the background (with -d detached option).

Now copy the link first(should be localhost:5657 or your-ip-address:5657). Then wShortcut CTRL + SHIFT + P (Windows) or Command + SHIFT + P (macOS), type specify, you should see the following window popped up.

Screenshot of VS Code
Figure 1. Screenshot of VS Code

Enter the link and token by following instructions, you have a data-science server with all essential packages now.

Here is my server:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                          CREATED       STATUS                 PORTS                   
db7537048e58   jupyter/datascience-notebook   4 hours ago   Up 4 hours (healthy)>8888/tcp

If you want to want to install new packages while your sever is running, you could run

# check your container name name docker ps
# mine is called notebook
# docker exec -it notebook /bin/bash
docker exec -it <container-name> /bin/bash
(base) jovyan@db7537048e58:~$ 

The (base) is environment is Anaconda’s default environment. Although I am not a big fan of conda environment (it messed up quite often many years ago when I tried up), it does manage packages very well. For instance, SPARQL cannot be installed via install.packages('SPARQL'), but it can via conda install -c conda-forge r-sparql.


GPU support

Recently, I have been working on a project that requires GPU support with a new framework called JAX. It is weird that I could run the script with GPU support in the command line, but not in the jupyter notebook.

Then I need a docker image with GPU support.

docker run \
        -it --rm \
        --gpus all --ipc=host \
        --ulimit memlock=-1 \
        --ulimit stack=67108864 \
        --shm-size=8gb \
        -p 7070:7070 \
        -v "${PWD}":/home/work \

docker exec -it thirsty_perlman /bin/bash

# install jupyter notebook
pip install jupyterlab
# install jupyter notebook
pip install jupyter
# start jupyter notebook
# & is used to run the command in background
nohup jupyter-lab --ip --port=7070 --no-browser --allow-root \
        --ServerApp.token="innolab" --ServerApp.password="innolab" &

Now you can access the jupyter notebook with GPU support.