Making Animations for Mathematics

Based on the framework of 3brown1blue, I tried to make some animation for mathematics.

Suppose you want to create some animations like the following one by learning an animation engine called Manim. However, the official document is difficult to follow. What should you do?

In this series of posts, I will explain how to make animations step by step with Manim. To start it, let’s install essential packages first. Please follow this Link and install all packages.

Big picture

A movie is made by different scenes and a scene is made by different kinds of Mobjects(moving objects). To create a scene we need to create or add Mobject.

Everything starts with the following class:

class MovieName(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        # here you create your animation world

You could take Scene as your camera or your background video which is waiting for you to act. But who is the actor? In our engine, the actor is called Mobject which is the most important element (we call it base class). The following figure gives the big picture.

A big picture
Figure 1. Big Picture of Manim

Every time when you want to create a movie, you need to do the following three steps:

  1. set up the Scene
  2. create the Mobject
  3. call animation method to make Mobject to move

Sometimes, you might need to zoom in or zoom out with your camera, which we will cover those advanced topics in detail later.

Set up the Scene

To set up the scene, you just need to import the manim package and create an inherited class from Scene.

from manim import *   # import 

class YourVideoName(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        # your code starts here 

Create the Mobject

A moving object is a base class that could engine your animation. For instance, a simple animation is to make a photo fly in from the left to the right. Then, a photo is a moving object. In manim, ImageMobject could read an image and make it as a moving object.

img = ImageMobject("images/cuteguy1.png")
img.shift(LEFT*5)*5), run_time=2)

There are many moving objects in manim, here is the link:

Call animation method

Once you created the Mobject, then you can call animation methods to make them animated. For instance, we have already showed a simple way to animate an Mojbect:*5), run_time=2)

Here are the full list of animation methods:

Each animation method has its functions and you need to refer to the document to figure out how to use them. For instance, if you want to fading some Mobject, you can do:

from manim import *

class Fading(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        tex_in = Tex("Fade", "In").scale(3)
        tex_out = Tex("Fade", "Out").scale(3), shift=DOWN, scale=0.66)), tex_out)), shift=DOWN * 2, scale=1.5))


Every time you want to create a video with manim, you need to think about

A big picture
Figure 2. Big Picture of Manim

Gradient descent visualization: version 1

To visualize the gradient descent process, we need to the following Mobject:

To animate the object, we could use:

To learn how to use Axes, you can either read the document or read the source code. I think reading source code is more efficient as it gives you every parameter and method you can utilize for this Axes class.

Here is the code:

from pickle import NONE
from manim import *   # import all packages from manim
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class GradientDescent(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        # construct the axes
        ax = Axes(
            x_range=[-4, 6],
            y_range=[-6, 6]
        # plot the function
        def func(x):
            return x**2 - 2*x - 3
        func_graph = ax.plot(func, color=BLUE)
        # add function label
        func_label = ax.get_graph_label(
            func_graph, "f(x) = x^2-2x -3", x_val=-4, direction=UP
        # add a vertical line of the minimum value
        line_1 = ax.get_vertical_line(ax.i2gp(1, func_graph), color=YELLOW)
        # derivate function and plot 
        def derivate(x):
            return 2*x - 2
        derivate_graph = ax.plot(derivate, color="#F8A331")
        derivate_label = ax.get_graph_label(
            derivate_graph, "f'(x) = 2x-2", x_val=-3, direction=UP*6
        # gradient descent variable with alpha = 0.03, iteration = 50
        # iteration tracker
        iteration = Variable(1, Text("Iteration"), num_decimal_places=0).scale(0.8)
        # learning rate
        learning_rate = 0.97
        learning_rate_var = Variable(learning_rate, 
        # theta 
        theta = 4
        theta_var = Variable(theta, r"\theta_t", num_decimal_places=3).scale(0.8)
        theta_var_update = Variable(theta, r"\theta_{t+1}", num_decimal_places=3).scale(0.8)
        # function
        def constant_one(x):
            if x != 1:
                return 1
                return 1
        # update theta_var
        theta_var.add_updater(lambda x: x.tracker.set_value(
        # update theta_var_update
        theta_var_update.add_updater(lambda x: x.tracker.set_value(
        # add gradient descent formula 
        update_rule = MathTex(r"\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \alpha f'(x)")
        iter_update_group = Group(iteration, update_rule).arrange(DOWN).shift(DOWN*1.7+RIGHT*3.9)
        # add moving point
        mp = theta_var_update.tracker
        mp_initial_point = [ax.coords_to_point(mp.get_value(), func(mp.get_value()))]
        mp_dot = Dot(point=mp_initial_point, color=BLUE, fill_opacity=0.7,
        mp_dot.add_updater(lambda x: x.move_to(ax.c2p(
        # add theta moving point
        mp_theta_init = [ax.c2p(mp.get_value(), 0)]
        mp_theta_dot = Dot(point=mp_theta_init, color=GREEN, radius=0.15)
        mp_theta_dot.add_updater(lambda x: x.move_to(ax.c2p(
        # add derivative variable
        derivate_var = Variable(
        derivate_var.add_updater(lambda x: x.tracker.set_value(
        # add function variable
        func_var = Variable(
        func_var.add_updater(lambda x: x.tracker.set_value(
        # add all objects 
        self.add(ax, func_graph, func_label, line_1,
                 mp_dot, mp_theta_dot,
                 derivate_graph, derivate_label,
                 func_var, derivate_var,
                 theta_var, theta_var_update)
       , run_time=13)

Gradient descent visualization: version 2

when you watch the first video, you can notice that the iteration and $\theta$ are not updating with the same rate. This happens due to the add_updater function, which is defined as:

class Scene:
    """A Scene is the canvas of your animation.

    The primary role of :class:`Scene` is to provide the user with tools to 
    manage mobjects and animations.  Generally speaking, a manim script 
    consists of a class that derives from :class:`Scene` 
    whose :meth:`Scene.construct` method is overridden by the user's code.
    # ...
    # ...
    def add_updater(self, func: Callable[[float], None]) -> None:
        """Add an update function to the scene.

        The scene updater functions are run every frame,
        and they are the last type of updaters to run.

The above video works well as the iteration and $\theta$ are updating at the same rate. This version uses always_redraw function which makes each frame to update with the same value of iteration. However it takes much more time to create the video as it needs to create more scenes.

Here is the source code:

from pickle import NONE
from manim import *   # import all packages from manim
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class GradientDescent(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        # add Axes object
        ax = Axes(
            x_range=[-4, 6],
            y_range=[-6, 6]
        # plot the function
        def func(x):
            return x**2 - 2*x - 3
        func_graph = ax.plot(func, color=BLUE)
        # add function label
        func_label = ax.get_graph_label(
            func_graph, "f(x) = x^2-2x -3", x_val=-4, direction=UP
        # add a vertical line of the minimum value
        line_1 = ax.get_vertical_line(ax.i2gp(1, func_graph), color=YELLOW)
        # derivate function and plot 
        def derivate(x):
            return 2*x - 2
        derivate_graph = ax.plot(derivate, color="#F8A331")
        derivate_label = ax.get_graph_label(
            derivate_graph, "f'(x) = 2x-2", x_val=-3, direction=UP*6
        # gradient descent variable with alpha = 0.03, iteration = 50
        # add learning rate on the top of scene
        learning_rate = 0.97
        learning_rate_var = Variable(learning_rate, 
        # iteration tracker
        iteration = ValueTracker(1)  # start from 1 
        # add iteration text 
        iteration_text = (
            Text("Iteration: ").scale(0.8)
        iteration_value = always_redraw(
            lambda: DecimalNumber(num_decimal_places=0)
            .next_to(iteration_text, RIGHT, buff=0.2).shift(DOWN*0.03)
        # add gradient descent formula below the iteration
        update_rule = (
            MathTex(r"\theta_{t+1} = \theta_t - \alpha f'(x)")
        # add theta and theta_update
        theta_text = (
            MathTex(r"\theta_t = ").scale(0.8)
        # initialize the theta value
        initial_theta = 4.0
        # helper function
        def update_theta_t(initial_value, tracker_value):
            theta = initial_value
            for i in range(int(tracker_value)-1):
                theta = theta - learning_rate * derivate(theta)
            return theta
        theta_value = always_redraw(
            lambda: DecimalNumber(num_decimal_places=3)
                update_theta_t(initial_theta, iteration.get_value())
            .next_to(theta_text, RIGHT, buff=0.1).shift(DOWN*0.01)
        # add theta_t+1
        theta_update_text = (
            MathTex(r"\theta_{t+1} = ").scale(0.8)
        theta_update_value = always_redraw(
            lambda: DecimalNumber(num_decimal_places=3)
                update_theta_t(initial_theta, iteration.get_value()+1)
            .next_to(theta_update_text, RIGHT, buff=0.1).shift(UP*0.01)
        # add derivative value
        derivate_text = (
            MathTex(r"f'(x) = ").scale(0.8)
        def update_derivate_value(tracker_value):
            x = update_theta_t(initial_theta, tracker_value+1)
            return derivate(x)
        derivate_text_value = always_redraw(
            lambda: DecimalNumber(num_decimal_places=3)
            .next_to(derivate_text, RIGHT, buff=0.1).shift(UP*0.01)
        # add function value
        func_text = (
            MathTex(r"f(x) = ").scale(0.8)
        def update_func_value(tracker_value):
            x = update_theta_t(initial_theta, tracker_value+1)
            return func(x)
        func_text_value = always_redraw(
            lambda: DecimalNumber(num_decimal_places=3)
            .next_to(func_text, RIGHT, buff=0.1).shift(UP*0.01)
        # add moving point on graph
        # helper function
        def mp_coordinate(tracker_value):
            x = update_theta_t(initial_theta, tracker_value+1)
            y = func(x)
            return x, y
        mp0 = always_redraw(
            lambda: Dot(
                point=[ax.c2p(theta_value.get_value(), func(theta_value.get_value()))],
                fill_opacity=0.8, radius=0.15
        mp1 = always_redraw(
            lambda: Dot(
                point=[ax.c2p(theta_value.get_value(), func(theta_value.get_value()))],
                fill_opacity=0.8, radius=0.15
        self.add(ax, func_graph, func_label, line_1,
                 derivate_graph, derivate_label,
                 iteration_text, iteration_value,
                 theta_text, theta_value,
                 theta_update_text, theta_update_value,
                 derivate_text, derivate_text_value,
                 func_text, func_text_value,
                 mp0, mp1), run_time=13, rate_func=linear)