R data.table from an advanced standpoint

The more you use it, the more you love it

Whenever I do data analysis, I always start from data.table in R. It is a powerful package that is designed to handle large datasets. If I encountered a problem that I cannot solve with data.table, I would then switch to pandas in Python. pandas or polars from python ecosystem are very handy when it comes to processing json data or when I need to use some third-party libraries that are not available in R, such as translation or image processing.

Recently, I have discovered duckdb which is a new database engine that could allow user to run SQL queries on big data without the need to install a database server. I see the huge potential of duckdb especially when it can be used as a complement to data.table and pandas.

In this blog post, I will try to summarize what I have learned about data.table and present a framework from an advanced standpoint. With this framework, you will have a better understanding of how to use data.table to solve complex problems and how to think like a data scientist and software engineer at the same time.

Advanced standpoint 1: it is all about the object

If you open python and type 1 + 2, you will get 3. If you open R and type 1 + 2, you will get 3. This is because 1 and 2 are objects and + is a method that is defined for these objects. Since python is more object-oriented than R, the syntax and structure of python is more consistent and predictable. In R, the syntax and structure is more flexible and less predictable. This gives R a lot of power and flexibility, but it also makes R more difficult to learn and use and sometimes very confusing for beginners.

Let’s see some examples.

michael@Geothe-Uni-Ubuntu:~/Github/mysite$ python
Python 3.10.10 (main, Nov 13 2023, 21:20:19) [GCC 9.4.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 1+2

The above code works because 1 and 2 are objects and + is a method that is defined for these objects. See the following code.

>>> # assign an integer to an variable
>>> a = 2
>>> dir(a)
['__abs__', '__add__', '__and__', '__bool__', ... '__sizeof__', '__str__', ...]
>>> a.__str__()
>>> a.__add__(1)
>>> a.__neg__()
>>> a.__sub__(1)

The special method __str__ is called when you use print(a). The special method __add__ is called when you use a + 1. The special method __sub__ is called when you use a - 1. The special method __neg__ is called when you use -a. The special method __bool__ is called when you use if a:.

Since both python and R are both interpreted languages, they rely on the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) to execute code with a virtual machine. The virtual machine is responsible for interpreting the code and executing it. The virtual machine is also responsible for managing the memory and the objects that are created and destroyed. It is also responsible for managing the methods that are defined for the objects. We will not go into the details of how the virtual machine works, but knowing this will lead us to appreciate the front-end and back-end of interpreting languages, such as python and R.

What is the front-end and back-end of interpreting languages? You can understand the front-end and back-end of interpreting languages by comparing them to the front-end and back-end of web development. The front-end of web development is responsible for the user interface and the user experience. The back-end of web development is responsible for the server and the database (or in programming language, the computing and the memory).

In python and R, the language designers have to think about how to design the font-end and back-end of the language. We know both python and R used C as the back-end. The front-end of python is more object-oriented and the front-end of R is more functional.

Let’s see the following code.

michael@Geothe-Uni-Ubuntu:~/Github/mysite$ R

R version 4.3.2 (2023-10-31) -- "Eye Holes"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

  Natural language support but running in an English locale

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> 1+2
[1] 3
> a <- 2
> a
[1] 2
> class(a)
[1] "numeric"
> attributes(a)
> typeof(a)
[1] "double"
> typeof(a + 3)
[1] "double"
> names(a)
> head(a)
[1] 2
> attr(a, 'names') <- 'hello'
> names(a)
[1] "hello"
> print(a)
> a

The above code shows that R is more functional and less object-oriented. The object a is a numeric object and it has no attributes. However, we can assign an attribute to a by using the attr function. The attr function is a special function that could be used to assign an attribute to an object.

There is no such thing as __add__ or __str__ in R. Meanwhile, there is no such function as attr in python. This is because R is more functional and python is more object-oriented. In Python, you have to follow the object-oriented way to define a method for an object. In R, you can use the functional way to define a method for an object.

For people who have started with C++ or Java, they may find python more familiar and easier to learn. For people who have started with Lisp or Haskell, they may find R more familiar and easier to learn. Javascript is quite special as it is also mixed with functional and object-oriented features but is more flexible and extensible than both python and R.

Now, let’s see the following code.

>>> 'a' + 'b'
>>> 'a'.__add__('b')

However, in R, you cannot do the following.

> 'a' + 'b'
Error in "a" + "b" : non-numeric argument to binary operator

The reason is that + is not defined for character objects in R. However, you can use the paste function to concatenate two character objects.

> paste('a', 'b')
[1] "a b"
> paste0('a', 'b')
[1] "ab"

I think now you should very clear why we say R is more functional and python is more object-oriented. In R, you have to use the paste function to concatenate two character objects. In python, you can use the + operator to concatenate two string objects because + is defined for string objects based on the __add__ method.

Because Python is more object-oriented, the object is more contained and the method is more predictable. By more contained, I mean that the object is more controlled by its own method and attributes it has. It will not be affected or contaminated that much by the environment or global methods (I am not an expert of language design, so I may not use the correct terms here). For instance, in R we have +, which is a binary operator that is defined for numeric objects at global level. However, in Python, we have __add__, which is a method that is defined for int objects or float objects or str objects.

Now, it is time to review the quote from John Chambers. John McKinley Chambers is the creator of the S programming language, and core member of the R programming language project. He was awarded the 1998 ACM Software System Award for developing S.

Everything that exists is an object in R and everything that happens is a function call in R. – John Chambers

We have elaborated the first part of the quote. Now, let’s see the second part of the quote.

> `+`(3, 5)
[1] 8
> `%+%` <- function(a, b){
+ paste0(a, b)}
> 'a' %+% 'b'
[1] "ab"

If see the above code as a python programmer, you may find it very strange. I mean what is this %+% thing? According to the official document, this is a special way for defining your own binary operator. This kind of thing is not available in python. In python, you can define your own method for your own object, but you cannot define operator at global level (maybe you can, but I don’t know how to do it).

All those things we covered here explains why you have this kind of pipeline in R.


iris %>% 
  as.data.table() %>% 
  .[, .(mean(Sepal.Length)), by = Species]

However, in python, your pipeline is more like this, which is just chaining the methods of the object.

import pandas as pd

iris = pd.read_csv('.../iris.csv')

Note in R, that some attributes (namely class, comment, dim, dimnames, names, row.names and tsp) are treated specially and have restrictions on the values which can be set. (Note that this is not true of levels which should be set for factors via the levels replacement function.)

Advanced standpoint 2: programming = data structure + algorithm

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs is a 1976 book written by Niklaus Wirth covering some of the fundamental topics of system engineering, computer programming, particularly that algorithms and data structures are inherently related.

Even for a simple task, algorithms (let’s say a simple for loop) and data structures (let’s say a simple vector) are always involved. Therefore, when you do programming or data analysis, you are always dealing with data structures and algorithms. This means we should be aware of the data sctures we are dealing with and then we could come up syntax and algorithm to solve the problem.

The whole community is now moving towards higher awareness of data structures and types. That’s why we have pydantic in python and typescript in web development. Because R is a mix of functional and object-oriented, it is quite difficult to define a strict data structure in R. We will see many examples in the following sections. This makes R more flexbile but also more restrictive for certain tasks. Therefore, we will see R will alway dominate the data science and statistics field, but it will never be a good language for web development or system engineering.

It should be this way as R was designed for data analysis and statistics, not for web development or system engineering. In a nutshell, R is not a general-purpose programming language like python or javascript but a domain-specific language like SQL or LaTeX.

Before I give you some examples, let’s review the following table (taken from this video).

Data structure dimension class attributes/methods mixed data types
vector 1 atomic length no
matrix 2 matrix dim, dimnames no
array n array dim, dimnames no
list n list length, names yes
factor 1 factor levels, labels no
table 2 table dim, dimnames, names … yes
data.frame 2 data.frame dim, names, rownames … yes
data.table 2 data.table dim, names, rownames … yes

Knowing the data structures is extremely important as it will help you to manipulate data more efficiently and effectively.

data.table from an advanced standpoint

Now, let’s learn data.table from an advanced standpoint. The vignettes of data.table are very comprehensive and well-written. Please read them if you are new to data.table, here is the link. In this post, I will try to summarize what I have learned about data.table into a framework from an advanced standpoint.

The starting point is same as the vignetts, you have to know the following syntax.

DT[i, j, by]

##   R:                 i                 j        by
## SQL:  where | order by   select | update  group by

Notice that [] looks like a symbol of a rectangle, which already gives you a hint that data.table is all about data structure. We are working with a rectangle of data, which is a 2D data structure. This is the first thing you have to know about data.table. It is a 2D data structure. data.table is the enhanced version of data.frame. Therefore, many of the syntax and methods of data.frame are also available in data.table.

The framework I am introducing here is based on the following two principles:

  1. visualize a matrix in your mind
  2. think about the data structure either in a row-wise or column-wise manner

let’s look at the following matrix

id name height weight age
1 John 180 70 25
78 Mary 160 50 30

Checking missing values for each column

Now, let’s say you want to check the missing values for each column. You can do it in a row-wise manner or column-wise manner.

# column-wise manner
dt %>%
    .[, lapply(.SD, function(x) sum(is.na(x))), .SDcols = names(dt)] %>%

dt %>%
    is.na() %>% 
    colSums() %>% kable()

# row-wise manner
dt %>%
    .[, .(n_missing = sum(is.na(.SD))), by = id] %>% 

dt %>%
    is.na() %>%
    rowSums() %>% kable()

I think column-wise manner is more intuitive and easier to understand. However, sometimes you might need to do operations in a row-wise manner. Since we could always transpose the matrix, we could always do operations in a column-wise manner.

Checking the summary statistics for selected columns

Now, let’s say you want to check the summary statistics for selected columns. The most common way is to use the summary function with lapply function. However, if you try the following code, you will get an error.

dt %>%
    .[, lapply(.SD, summary), .SDcols = c('height', 'weight', 'age')] %>%
# Error in dimnames(x) <- dnx: 'dimnames' applied to non-array
# Traceback:

However, the above code does not work because summary function returns a table for each column and the dimension of the table of each column is not the same. Therefore, you will get an error.

However, if you try the following code, you will still get an error.

dt %>% 
    na.omit() %>%
    .[, lapply(.SD, summary), .SDcols = c('height', 'weight', 'age')] %>%
# 'dimnames' applied to non-array

This is because summary function returns a table for each column and not a list. Therefore, you will get an error. If we run the following code, we get:

dt$height %>% summary() %>% attributes()

# $names
# 'Min.''1st Qu.''Median''Mean''3rd Qu.''Max.''NA\'s'
# $class
# 'summaryDefault''table'

As you can see the class of the output of summary function is table and not list. Many statistical summary in R returns a table and not a list. Therefore, you have to be careful when you use lapply function with summary function.

This shows that knowing the data structure is extremely important. If you know the output of a function is a table and not a list, you will not make the mistake of using lapply function with it.

The following code works.

dt %>% 
    na.omit() %>%
    .[, sapply(.SD, summary), .SDcols = c('height', 'weight', 'age')] %>%
  height weight age
Min. 132.3291 39.58384 18.0
1st Qu. 163.8469 63.31751 30.0
Median 170.3699 69.89749 41.0
Mean 170.0986 69.70877 41.1
3rd Qu. 176.9779 76.40854 54.0
Max. 198.5624 105.43519 64.0

The above code works because:

  1. summary function returns a table and not a list
  2. sapply function is used to apply the summary function to each column of the data.table and the output is a matrix and not a list
  3. since we put the output of sapply function into a data.table, the matrix is automatically converted into a data.table and the dim attribute is automatically added to the data.table
  4. we use na.omit function to remove the missing values before we apply the summary function to the data.table as the dimension of the table of each column is not the same when there are missing values

As long as j returns a list, each element of the list will become a column in the resulting data.table. If the result is a matrix, the columns of the matrix will become columns in the resulting data.table.

Order the count within each group

Now, we want to order the count for categorical variables such as year, education and degree within each group.

Let’s run the following code.

dt %>%
    .[, year := year(dob)] %>%
    .[, .N, by = .(year, education, gender)] %>%
    .[order(year, -N)] %>%
year education gender N
1950 Bachelors M 5
1950 Bachelors F 4
1950 Masters M 3
1950 PhD M 3
1950 Masters F 3

As you can see that we have ordered the year and the count. However, This is what we want. We want to order the count within each group, meaning, we should have rows that be ordered as a subgroup based on year, education and gender. Or what we want is something like this.

year education gender N
1950 Bachelors M 5
1950 Bachelors F 4
1950 Masters M 3
1950 Masters F 3
1950 PhD M 3
1950 PhD F 2
1950 Masters F 3

You might try the following code.

dt %>%
    .[, year := year(dob)] %>%
    .[, .N, by = .(year, education, gender)] %>%
    .[order(year, gender, -N)] %>%

It still does not work as N is always ordered at the global level. The following code works.

dt %>%
    .[, year := year(dob)] %>%
    .[, .N, by = .(year, education gender)] %>%
    .[order(year, education)] %>%
    .[order(year, education, -N)] %>%
year education gender N
1950 Bachelors M 5
1950 Bachelors F 4
1950 High School M 2
1950 High School F 2
1950 Masters M 3

But what if we want to order N at the global level but at the same time we want to order gender within each group? The following code works.

dt %>%
    .[, year := year(dob)] %>%
    .[, .N, by = .(year, education, gender)] %>%
    .[, n_sum := sum(N), by = .(year, education)] %>%
    .[order(year, -n_sum, -N)] %>% peep_head(10)

The above code works because we have created a new column n_sum that is the sum of N within each group. Therefore, we can order n_sum at the global level and N within each group.

year education gender N n_sum
1950 Bachelors M 5 9
1950 Bachelors F 4 9
1950 Masters M 3 6
1950 Masters F 3 6
1950 High School M 2 4
1950 High School F 2 4
1950 PhD M 3 3
1951 Masters F 3 5
1951 Masters M 2 5
1951 Bachelors M 2 3
1951 PhD F 2 3
1951 PhD M 1 3

The above table tells us that for each year which education has the most number of people and which gender has the most number of people.

I used this example to introduce the following principle.

Fundamental theorem of software engineering: we can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection (David Wheeler)

In this example, we have introduced an extra level of indirection by creating a new column n_sum that is the sum of N within each group. This allows us to order n_sum at the global level and N within each group.

Working with nested data

This is a very common task in data analysis, which is also known as unnesting or flattening. This kind of task is quite challenging for almost all programming languages.

Suppose you have one column that contains a nested json data, which looks like the following one:

# for one cell
  "name": "John",
  "dob": "1950-01-01",
  "education": [
      "degree": "Bachelors",
      "year": 1970
      "degree": "Masters",
      "year": 1975
  "working_experience": [
      "company": "Google",
      "year": 1990
      "company": "Facebook",
      "year": 1995

# another cell
    "name": "Mary",
    "dob": "1955-01-01",
    "education": [
        "degree": "Bachelors",
        "year": 1975
    "working_experience": [
        "company": "Amazon",
        "year": 1995
        "company": "Microsoft",
        "year": 2000
        "company": "Apple",
        "year": 2005

As you can see that the education and working_experience are nested data they also have different length. Based on my experience, there is no easy way in R to flatten the nested data. Since the nested json has keys and also lists, it is quite difficult to flatten the nested data in R.

However, if you use python, you can use the pandas library to flatten the nested data. The json_normalize function and explode function are very handy for this kind of task. In duckdb, you can also find the flatten function that is very handy for this kind of task.

This again shows that data structure is extremely important. Because R does not have dictionary-like data structure, it is quite difficult to flatten the nested data in R. However, python has dictionary-like data structure, so it is quite easy to flatten the nested data in python.