R data.table Best Practices

There are many packages in R or Python to deal with table like data (or so called data frame), but data.table is probably the most efficient one. Here are some best practices to use data.table.

I have been planning to write a post on data.table for a while. The motivation is that many posts on data science or data analysis in R are using data.frame or dplyr to manipulate data. Many people probably will go for pandas in Python in the first place. However, I appreciate the efficiency of data.table more and more now, and believe for the dataset with is larger than 1GB and less than 100GB, data.table is the best choice.

After many years of using both Python and R, I have found that data.table is the most efficient package to deal with table-like data. It is also the most efficient package to deal with large dataset in R.

I also realized that there are many posts on the internet teaching people how to use all kinds of packages in R, especially tidyverse. First of all, I have to say that I like dtidyverse a lot, especially ggplot2 and dplyr. However, I think using data.table with basic R syntax is more efficient than using different kinds of packages. I believe using data.table with basic R syntax very well is the best way to learn R for data analysis.

So, here are the messages I have learned from my experience:

If you do not believe me why I think data.table is the efficient one, please check the benchmark of different packages on data manipulation.

Here is the roadmap of this post:

Big picture

Broadly speaking, there are there kinds of tasks in data analysis:

  1. what is the data about? such as the data structure, the data type, the data size, and variable names, etc.
  2. the data manipulation, such as data cleaning, data transformation, data aggregation, and data merging, etc.
  3. the data analysis, such as data visualization, statistical analysis, and machine learning, etc.

I will use a small dataset to illustrate the best practices for each task. One could use those best practices to deal with any dataset in the format of table-like or data-frame even if the dataset is very large (e.g., 100GB).

All code in this post uses %>% from magrittr package heavily, which is a very useful package to chain functions together. The pipe operator %>% in R community is one of the most important features in R, which makes me to favor R over Python in data analysis for table-like data.

Before we start, you need to understand that table-like data is a two dimensional data structure, which is also called data frame in R or Python. The first dimension is the row dimension, and the second dimension is the column dimension. The row dimension is the observation dimension, and the column dimension is the variable dimension. Figure 1 illustrates how data.table manupulates data in the row dimension and the column dimension with the syntax of i and j.

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Figure 1. The illustration of LDA from the paper by David Blei (2012). You can click on the image to zoom in.

Best practices

Let’s import key packages and load the dataset. When you do a project, it is better to use as less packages as possible because it is easier to debug and maintain the code. If you have too many packages, the dependencies of the packages may conflict with each other and it also makes the code harder to maintain and debug.

library(knitr)  # for kable, a function to print a table in different formats
library(ggplot2)  # only use it for advanced visualization
# for dplyr, it is recommended to call it as dplyr::filter, dplyr::select, etc.

The dataset we will use is based on a survey I did for one of my tutorials. Here is the link to the survey. It has 10 questions and the answers are in the format of single choice, multiple choices, and open answers. The dataset is in the format of table-like data, which is stored in a csv file. I added duplicated rows to the dataset as an example of how to deal with duplicated rows.

structure of the data: the first step

Every time I got a new dataset, I use three functions to check the structure of the data: head, str, and summary. The head function prints the first 6 rows of the dataset. The str function prints the structure of the dataset, which includes the data type of each variable. The summary function prints the summary statistics of each variable.

# read data
dt <- fread("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oceanumeric/data-science-go-small/main/Tutorial_01/survey_responses.csv")

# data structure
str(dt)  # 24 observations of 11 variables
head(dt)  # check the first 6 rows

missing values are always tricky

To check how many missing values are in the dataset, we can use the is.na function. The is.na function returns a logical vector with the same length as the dataset. Combining the is.na function with sum and sapply functions, we can check how many missing values are in each variable.

########## --------- check missing values --------- ###########

# Missing values are tricky as they can be represented in different ways
# such as "", "Na", "NA", "na", "N/A", "n/a", "NA/NaN", "NA/NaN/Na", etc.

# check missing values and print it as a table
sapply(dt, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) %>% kable()

# there is only one missing value in q2?
sapply(dt, function(x) sum(x =="")) %>% kable()
sapply(dt, function(x) sum(x == "Na")) %>% kable()

sapply(dt, function(x) sum(x =="", na.rm = TRUE)) %>% kable()
sapply(dt, function(x) sum(x == "Na", na.rm = TRUE)) %>% kable()

# replace missing values (represented as strings) with NA
dt[dt == ""] <- NA
dt[dt == "Na"] <- NA

sapply(dt, function(x) sum(is.na(x))) %>% kable()

duplicated rows

when it comes to duplicated rows, we are:

######----------------- check duplicates and NAs -----------------######
# duplicates and NAs are tricky
# you need to check them carefully
# to check duplicates, you need to set up a criteria
# for instance q1 has two answers: yes and no
# many people might answer yes but this does not mean
# they are duplicates

# in our case, we can use the timestamp as the criteria
# to check duplicates

# check how many duplicates
survey %>%
    .[, .N, by = timestamp] %>%
    .[N > 1] %>%

# check the duplicates
survey %>%
    .[timestamp == "2023-04-20 23:44:06"] %>%

# another way to check duplicates (the best way)
survey %>%
    .[duplicated(timestamp) | duplicated(timestamp, fromLast = TRUE)] %>%

# get unique values
survey %>%
    .[!duplicated(timestamp)] %>%

# or use unique function (the best way)
# when you use unique function, you need put by = "variable_name"
# as unique function is basic R function, whereas 
# duplicated function is data.table function
# which means you can pass variable name to duplicated function
# directly without putting quotation marks
survey %>%
    unique(by = "timestamp") %>%

column transformation

As it is shown in Figure 1, all column operations are done in the j part of the data.table syntax.

The data.table package provides a very efficient way to manipulate data in the column dimension. The := operator is used to create a new variable. The := operator is very similar to the = operator in R. The difference is that the := operator does not create a new copy of the dataset. The := operator modifies the dataset in place, which means doing operations on the original dataset.

If you do not want to modify the original dataset, you can use .() to create a new copy of the dataset. One could also use c(column_name) to create a new copy of the dataset.

In summary, here are ways to select and manipulate columns in data.table:

########## --------- column operations --------- ###########

# check structure of dt again

# convert timeStamp to date format by adding a new column
# called dateTime to dt
dt %>%
    .[, dateTime := as.POSIXct(timesStamp, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")] %>%

# create a new column called year
dt %>%
    .[, year := format(dateTime, "%Y")] %>%
    # you can also convert it to numeric
    # .[, year := as.numeric(format(dateTime, "%Y"))] %>%

# select columns and return a new data.table
dt %>%
    .[, .(year, q2, q3)] %>%

# select q9: 9. Did you try ChatGPT? 
# convert it to lower case
dt %>%
    .[, .(q9 = tolower(q9))] %>% 

# select columns year, and from q3 to q10
# one needs to know the column index
dt %>%
    .[, c(13, 4:11)] %>%

# return a vector
dt %>%
    .[, (q7)]

Sometimes, we want to do operations on multiple columns based on their names. For instance, we want to select all columns with names starting with q. For this, we can use .SDcols to select columns based on their names. The .SDcols is a special variable in data.table that represents the selected columns. SD stands for Subset of Data.

By combing .SDcols with .SD, we can:

I provide four examples below to show how to select columns based on different criteria.

# select columns with names starting with "q"
dt %>%
    .[, .SD, .SDcols = grep("^q", names(dt))] %>%

# or using patterns to select columns
dt %>%
    .[, .SD, .SDcols = patterns("^q")] %>%

# we can also do operations on multiple columns

# select columns based on their data types == int
dt %>%
    .[, .SD, .SDcols = is.integer] %>% str()

# convert values from q2 to q10 to lower case if they are characters
# return a new data.table
dt %>%
    .[, .SD, .SDcols = is.character] %>%
    .[, lapply(.SD, tolower), .SDcols = patterns("^q")] %>%

# one of the most powerful features of data.table is that
# we can do operations on multiple columns in place
survey %>%
    .[, .SD, .SDcols = patterns("^q")] %>%
    .[, .SD, .SDcols = is.character] %>%
    names() -> select_col_names


# convert string of selected columns to lower case
survey %>%
    .[, (select_col_names) := lapply(.SD, tolower),
       .SDcols = select_col_names] 


I believe the above code covers most of the common operations in data transformation in terms of selecting columns. For columns, we have two properties: names and data types. We can select columns based on their names or data types, or both by using %>% to chain multiple operations.

row transformation

When we talk about row operations, we have two properties: row indices and row values. Based on those two properties, we can:

When we do operations on row values, we will use with heavily in the pipeline as it could help us to do:

  1. call functions on the row values within pipelines
  2. call basic plotting functions on the row values within pipelines
######----------------- univariate analysis -----------------######

# q1: have you ever learned regression analysis before?
# q1 answer: yes, no
# it is a categorical variable
# for categorical variables, we can do following analysis:
# 1. frequency table with count or percentage
# 2. bar plot or pie chart

# frequency table with count
survey %>%
    .[, .N, by = q1] %>%
    kable()  # a function to print out the table

# frequency table with percentage
survey %>%
    .[, .N, by = q1] %>%
    .[, percent := N / sum(N) * 100] %>%
    kable(align = "c", digits = 2)

# use basic R function to get the frequency table
survey %>%
    with(table(q1)) %>%

# using prop.table function to get the percentage
survey %>%
    with(table(q1)) %>%
    prop.table() %>%

# plot the bar chart with table function and barplot function
# set the width and height of the plot
options(repr.plot.width = 8, repr.plot.height = 5)
survey %>%
    with(table(q1)) %>%
    barplot(main = "Did you study the regression analysis before?",
            xlab = "Answer",
            ylab = "Count",
            col = "lightblue")

# plot the pie chart with table function and pie function based on percentage
# add the percentage to the pie chart
# following code was inspired by ChatGPT, which is amazing!
# it uses rainbow color to distinguish the pie chart
# this is new to me, I will try it next time
# it also uses prob.table with a dot, which is brilliant!
survey %>%
    with(table(q1)) %>%
    pie(main = "Did you study the regression analysis before?",
        col = c("lightblue", "lightgreen"),
        labels = paste0(round(prop.table(.) * 100), "%"))

# sometimes you might need ggplot
# ggplot is a powerful package to plot the data
survey %>%
    with(table(q1)) %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = q1, y = Freq)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "#2598bf") +
    geom_text(aes(label = Freq),
              vjust = -0.5, size = 4) +
    labs(title = "Did you study the regression analysis before?",
         x = "Answer",
         y = "Count") +

# I only use ggplot when I need to plot multiple variables
# against one variable by using facet_wrap
# or any other special plot that is not supported by base R

######----------------- Binomial Distribution -----------------######
# in question 1, we have the following probability table
survey %>%
    with(table(q1)) %>%
    prop.table() %>%

# this means the probability of getting yes is 0.708
# the probability of getting no is 0.292
# NOW, assuming our survey data is a sample of the population
# and also representing the population
# we can use binomial distribution to calculate the probability
# of getting yes or no in the population

# binomial distribution with n = 1000
# p = 0.708
# q = 0.292
# rbinom function is used to generate random numbers
# from binomial distribution
# rbinom(1, 10, 0.5) ==  sum(rbionom(10, 1, 0.5))

rbinom(1000, 1, 0.708) %>%
    table() %>%
    prop.table() %>%

# the above code simulate 1000 times with p = 0.708
# the simulation is to imitate our survey
# but we need to do inference to the population

# NOW, we are interested the probability of having 60
# or more yes in the population if we have 100 people?
# our parameter of interest is p = 0.708
# our inference is based on the binomial distribution
# we need to use the binomial distribution to calculate
# the probability of getting 60 or more yes in the population
# if we have 100 people
pbinom(59, 100, 0.708, lower.tail = FALSE)

# plot the binomial probability density function
# and cumulative distribution function
n = 100
p = 0.708
x = 0:100
y = dbinom(x, n, p)
y_cum = pbinom(x, n, p)
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plot(x, y, type = "h", lwd = 2,
        xlab = "Number of Yes", ylab = "Probability",
        main = "Probability Density Function")
plot(x, y_cum, type = "l", lwd = 2,
        xlab = "Number of Yes", ylab = "Probability",
        main = "Cumulative Distribution Function")