Tag: binomial-distribution

Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that generates a sequence of random variables from a probability distribution from which direct sampling is difficult.

Approximating the Posterior

When we use Bayesian inference, we need to compute the posterior distribution. In this post, we will look at some methods for approximating the posterior distribution.

Conjugate Families

When we build a model, we need to choose a prior distribution. If we choose a prior distribution from the same family as the posterior distribution, we can use the posterior distribution as the new prior distribution. This is called a conjugate prior. In this post, we will look at some of the most common conjugate priors.

The Beta-Binomial Bayesian Model

With more data generating day by day, I believe Bayesian statistics is the way to go. That's why I'm writing this series of posts on Bayesian statistics. In this post, I'll introduce the Beta-Binomial Bayesian model again. I'll also show how two communities (Python and R) have implemented this model.

Conjugate Priors - Binomial Beta Pair

Bayesian inference is almost 'everywhere' in data science; with the advance of computational power, it is now possible to apply Bayesian inference to high-dimensional data. In this post, we will discuss the conjugate priors for the binomial distribution.

Develop Some Fluency in Probabilistic Thinking (Part II)

The foundation of machine learning and data science is probability theory. In this post, we will develop some fluency in probabilistic thinking with different examples, which prepare data scientists well for the sexist job of the 21st century.

Develop Some Fluency in Probabilistic Thinking (Part I)

The foundation of machine learning and data science is probability theory. In this post, we will develop some fluency in probabilistic thinking with different examples, which prepare data scientists well for the sexist job of the 21st century.